Monthly Archives: March 2014

Wading Into the Social Media Quagmire









As I said in the inaugural post on book marketing, if you are an aspiring author the first thing you need to do (even before you’ve completed your book) is develop a marketing platform, and that means you need a website, blog, Facebook page and Twitter account, at a minimum. And even though I wrote that only 9 months ago, it seems like the social media options have exploded since then. Hardly a day goes by that some blog post is not espousing the usefulness of this site or that site, for this type of marketer or that type of marketer. As a writer with very little time to devote to posting, tweeting, liking, replying and commenting, I’m often left wondering if I’m using my time wisely. Unfortunately, the only way to determine this is to delve into websites, blog posts, webinars and podcasts about marketing, analytics, legalities, etc., etc., etc. Or, hire someone to do this for you. 


If you are like me and have only a rudimentary understanding of social media, I’d like to point you toward a blog that I’ve found useful. Social Media Revolver has introduced me to a number of  concepts with which I was previously unfamiliar. If they seem important, I can then follow links for further information on the topic, or do my own research. It’s not hard to set up Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ accounts and use them, but it’s another thing to fully understand what you are doing and figure out how to maximize your efforts. Social Media Revolver can point you in the right direction, calling your attention to what’s important in the social media world.


All of the memes you see here are from SMR (and linked to the original post), thus giving you an idea of the variety of topics discussed in their blog. And if you don’t know what a meme is (I didn’t), there is a post on what they are and how to make them.











If you visit Social Media Revolver and find it useful, or if you can recommend other sites that will help us find our way through this quagmire, please leave a comment.