Where Writers Win









If you are writing a book that you hope will see the light of day at some point, you should already have a marketing platform up and running. If you’re not familiar with this concept, I talk about it and offer several useful links in a previous post (here).


In short, the platform consists of a website, blog, and however many social media accounts you think you can handle. And you need to “brand” your platform, which means giving your website, blog, social media pages, book covers, business cards, bookmarks, etc. a similar appearance. If you need an example of this, click through my website, SM pages and book covers, and you’ll see what I mean.


Once the platform is built, the real work begins. Not only do you need to post to your blog regularly and have a presence on your social media accounts, you also need to define the audience for your book and find out where they are. If you’ve written a book on growing orchids, find those websites where orchid growers visit and establish a presence by commenting on blog posts or other people’s comments. Same if you are a thriller or romance writer. And now that book bloggers and reviewers are the gate keepers, you’ll want to go to their sites and get involved in the conversation, so when it comes time to ask them to review your book, you are a familiar face and not just appearing out of nowhere. 


Doesn’t sound too bad, right? A blog post here, a social media update there. Comment on a book blogger’s review, or another commenter’s comment. Get yourself known. Well, think again. Which book review sites are worth commenting on, those that are visited by a hundred readers a week or 100,000  readers per week. And how do you find and rank these sites? And what about book clubs and book stores? How do you get your foot in the door with these folks?


My solution: get someone else to scour the web and find the best sites for you to spend your time. And while you’re at it, have them find book clubs and bookstores that may be interested in your title. Need help building your platform, have them set you up with reputable designers. Need training to manage your website, blog and social media? Have them help you with that, too. 


Who are “they?” They are Where Writers Win. WWW is “marketing, websites, training and tools for emerging authors.” They “shrink the web,” meaning they will sift through, vet and rank all those services and websites that may be of interest to the emerging author, saving you an immense amount of time. 


Here is a list of some of the services they offer. If any of this looks useful to you, go check them out: writerswin.com


We help you by “shrinking the web” – offering a go-to place to discover:

  • strategic, custom-crafted author websites
  • author website training
  • author-specific social media
  • professional media training
  • video book trailers
  • vetted book review directories
  • book club sourcing
  • access to indie bookstores and indie publishers
  • press release distribution to book editors
  • regular news and advice on all aspects of author marketing

The Winner Circle is a subscription based portal built exclusively for today’s emerging author. Menu items in the Winner Circle to augment your author marketing efforts include:

  • Best Book Review Sites, vetted and rated and organized in a huge directory by genre
  • An interactive map of live book clubs
  • Links to independent and chain book stores from coast to coast
  • Upcoming competitions, writers conferences and book festivals
  • Links to indie and hybrid publishers
  • Online Tools for Authors
  • Templates and Tutorials
  • Discounts and deals on publishing services and events
  • New, exclusive content added each week!

Build recognition for yourself as an author. 
We’re here for you…

  • When you need to promote your upcoming book release
  • When you’re ready for an author website to engage your audience or establish your platform
  • When you want to better wield the power of the site you have, or would enjoy insights that will quickly build your readership and media appeal.
  • When you need to grow your readership with influencers including reviewers and book clubs.
  • When you’re looking to widen your circle of influence with targeted author social media.
  • When you’re ready to blaze a trail with advice from a professional media trainer.
  • When it’s time to build a video trailer to announce your new book release.


If you have used, or end up using any of WWW’s services, please comment below regarding your experience.


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